Toll Free: (833)336-3988

Contacting a Prime Contractor

*Send this email with your Capabilities Statement attached*


Type this content into a new email made out to your POC’s email address. Be sure to replace all the [Brackets] with your information. It will look very unprofessional if you hit send without customizing the email first.

Good day [Mr./Ms./Mrs. Contact Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Our business development research indicated that your company is a viable option for Federal / Local Government Contracting and may be in need of my company’s expertise as a resource for subcontracting. Our research also indicated that you are the primary point of contact for government contracting and I wanted to formally introduce [Company Name].

[Company Name] is a small business certified as [WOSB/VOSB/8a/HUB]. My company has been incorporated for over [##] years with an extensive background in [List Products and Services].

I completed registration on your website and would like to schedule time to talk about potential upcoming opportunities in which my capabilities would be beneficial to [Insert POC’s Company Name].

I look forward to your response and our upcoming meeting. I am sure this relationship will be mutually beneficial and lucrative for both of us.

Your time is appreciated! Have a great day.

[First and Last Name]
[Company Name]
[Cell Phone]