Email for Subcontracting
*Send this email with your Capabilities Statement attached*
Type this content into a new email made out to your POC’s email address. Be sure to replace all the [Brackets] with your information. It will look very unprofessional if you hit send without customizing the email first.
Hi [Prime Contact],
I am writing to you today to express my interest in subcontracting with your company. I am the [Your Title] of [Your Company’s Name], a company that provides [type of services/products] to Government agencies with over [#] years of experience in the industry.
I am confident that [Your Company’s Name] can provide your company with the high-quality services and products that you need. We have a proven track record of success in [list the services or products that you are most known for] and we are committed to meeting your deadlines and budget requirements.
I am available to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss how my company can partner with yours to meet your contractual commitments. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best Regards,
[Company Name]
[Cell Number]