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Finding Prime Contractors in

Where can I find primes?


This powerful website can help you find local primes that are currently attaining government contracts that need subcontractors just like you.

Navigate to and click on “Start Searching Awards”

The menu on the left side is a powerful tool you can use to narrow down your search results.

For our example we will select the year 2024, the state of Florida, and NAICS 541511. When the search options are chosen, click “Add Filter” then “Submit Search.”

*There are numerous search options so feel free to use as many as you would like to receive the exact results you’re looking for.

Our search parameters show 80 contracts have been awarded in Florida for NAICS 541511 in the year 2024. *Side note, total awarded amount as of today (March 27th, 2024) = $57,944,426.

Since we are only searching for Prime contractors for this example our next step is to detemine who those Primes are. At the top right of the page you will see a “Prime awards and transactions” button. To the right of that you will click on the “Download” button.

You will receive multiple files of the in state and out of state contractors.

Open “Contracts_PrimeAwardSummaries” to view the Recipient Name & Recipient UEI. Additional valuable information that will be viewed and discussed at a later part of our training is the Award ID & Solicitation Identifier.

Normally this is where most people would get stuck because this file does not provide the contact’s name, phone number, or email address. This is where the Select GCR Pro program comes into play. Go into SGCRP, click on “New Search” on the home page, then on the next page click on “Contractor’s”. For our example we will use the first contact – PICARELLI, GINA M (UEI) NZM9ECFET2C3. We entered the UEI into the form and we’re provided with their contact and business information.

Through this process you were able to search for businesses that are attaining contracts within your industry (NAICS) and state for subcontracting purposes. You can now contact them directly to determine if there is synergy between your businesses for government and commercial opportunities.

* In Step 4 you will learn how to contact and communicate with Primes, plus register your business as a subcontractor, supplier, or vendor.