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Instructions for Manipulating Email Analytics

“Master List” tab houses all the contacts who were sent your email along with their contact information. This tab is used to cross reference email addresses who have interacted with your email.

The master list is set up to import into your own CRM for additional email marketing and lead management. You’ll take it just as it is, go to your CRM, and find import contacts. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the CRM provider’s helpdesk.

How do you know if the campaign was a good campaign?

There are a few things to look at: Interactors, % Interacted, and Avg Hit/Interactor.

Interactors – a count of the contacts that opened your email

% Interacted – a percentage of the number of contacts who opened and interacted with your email in some capacity, a sign of success is between 2 – 6%

Avg Hits/Interactor – an average of how many interactions per interactor, target number is 1.5-2

Opens Tab

Open the excel workbook and click on the “Opens” tab from the sheet menu across the bottom.

Columns Explained

  • Column A – Email addresses that opened your email
  • Column B – Date stamp of the last time they opened your email
  • Column C – Total times the email address opened your email
  • Column D – Date of marketing blast


Total Opens Column C

This you want to pay attention to. This dictates the number of times one contact opened your email. The higher the number, the more interested they are. These are the people you want to focus on. If you notice the number is up around 6-10, your contact is probably forwarding the email on, and you are going viral.


Begin your marketing efforts here.

This is where you want to start your outreach. You’ll need the contact information for the people who have chosen to view your capabilities statement. Follow these instructions for finding the right information:

Copy an email address from either “Opens” or “Clicks” tab. Navigate to the “Master List” sheet. Using the “Find” feature (Control F), paste the email into the search field and click “Find Next”, the box with that email will be outlined in green. You can then select the information you need and pull it from this sheet. You’ll need the name, email, phone, and address of each contact who clicked or opened your email.

What should you do next?

Find your contact in Select GCR Pro to find their award history and open solicitations. This will give you an angle to begin marketing directly to that contact. You should tailor every meeting, every phone call to the needs of the contact. If this person awards contracts under NAICS code 541511 but only with PSC code DA01, ensure you talk about your experience with DA01 and how you are the most viable option for awarding a contract under that PSC code.

Instructions for finding your contact information in Select GCR Pro:

  • Copy an email address from either the ‘Opens’ or the ‘Clicks’ tab, and go to the ‘Master List’ tab. Using the ‘Find’ function, search out the person on the master list using their email.
  • Once you locate the individual’s email on the Master List, move your cursor over to the ‘A’ column and copy the CO’s name *EXACTLY* as it is in the ‘A’ column.”
  • Login to SGCR Pro, click ‘Gov Contacts’, and paste the CO’s name in the ‘Contracting Officer Name’ field on the right-hand side of the screen and click ‘search’.”
  • Select the CO’s name and their contact info appears. You can see their solicitation history and any current open solicitations. This will arm you with knowledge and can specifically
Unopened Emails

Do not discard these contacts as if they are not interested in your firm. Most likely they don’t know your email is sitting in their inbox. Give them a quick call, introduce yourself, and ask them to open your email to view your capabilities statement when they have a chance.

The worksheet labeled “MC# NO” is the sheet that contains everyone who did not open your email as of the time of the analysis. Work these as if they showed interest in what you have to offer. They are low priority, but still a good list of leads to follow up with.