What is Veterans Day and why is it important?
Veterans Day is a celebration of the end of World War II. November 11, 1918, marks the day the fighting stopped for “the war to end all wars”. According to the VA’s website, the cease fire between the Allied Nations and Germany happened on the eleventh month of the eleventh day of the eleventh hour. This day is extremely important in our history.
A year later, President Wilson declared November 11 as Veterans Day. It wasn’t called Veterans Day; it was called Armistice Day. Armistice is defined as a truce between opposing sides of a war. Originally, they held parades and hosted public gatherings to celebrate the day. They also started the tradition of closing businesses temporarily at 11am to mark the exact time of the cease fire.

Veterans Day or Armistice Day?
On June 1st in 1954, a law was signed by President Eisenhower to change the name of this day to Veterans Day instead of Armistice Day. This change was to honor all our armed forces and not just those who fought during World War II. That’s why, to this day, we honor and celebrate all of those who actively serve and those who have been honorably discharged as Veterans of the United States military.

What day of the week is Veterans Day?
The government attempted to change the observance of Veterans Day to Mondays despite the date to ensure three-day weekends for all Federal employees. This didn’t bode well with the States and most continued to observe the exact date because of its significance. President Ford overturned the action and had the holiday returned to November 11th for Federal observance.
While Americans are appreciative daily, November 11th continues to be observed, a century later. We stick to tradition no matter what day of the week it falls on. Traditional parades, free food, special gatherings and charitable donations are all ways that we currently celebrate Veterans Day.
Who do we honor on Veterans Day?
Active members of our military and honorably discharged veterans. We celebrate the heroism of the men and women who served honorably for our military. Not only their service during times of war, but also peacetime. Also, we commemorate the victory over the Nazi forces during World War II on November 11, 1918. American’s have expanded on this holiday over the century by also incorporating Veterans from all our wars throughout history and including those who currently keep the peace as well.

National Veterans Day Ceremony
Yearly on November 11th in observance of our National holiday, Veterans Day, there is a ceremony held at Arlington National Cemetery. This cemetery is the place where over 300,000 of our greatest heroes are laid to rest. There is a special laying of a wreath that honors those who have fallen at the Tomb of the Unknowns. They also have a parade of colors and speeches from United States dignitaries. The speeches are all intended on honoring all our armed forces.
What are some ways November 11th is celebrated?
- There are some cities that celebrate their Veterans with a parade in their honor. They have floats and cars that travel down city streets with Veterans and their families on display for Americans to cheer and show respect. Usually there are marching bands that accompany the Military men and women participating in the parade.
- Veterans Day cook outs and celebratory gatherings in memory of those fallen or presented to a guest of honor like a survivor or a peacetime hero.
- Write or organize a care-package to send to troops overseas or stationed on bases in the United States. Showing you care for our military is a good way to honor those who have served.
- Invite a Veteran to speak at your school, place of work, or group to share their story and help to educate on the value of our military.
- Donate your money or time to local Veteran groups or even to your community in honor of a Veteran you know. Nothing is better than giving back.
Facts about Veterans Day
- According to www.va.gov, a common observance on Veterans Day is to honor those who have died in sacrifice for our freedom with a 2-minute moment of silence during the day.
- All government and financial institutions are typically closed on that day, which means no mail delivered and no banks are open.
- Both on a State and Federal level, this holiday is observed Nationally on the 11th of November every year despite the day it falls on.
- There is no apostrophe in the spelling of Veterans Day: Veteran’s Day and Veterans’ Day are both incorrect spellings.

What’s the difference between Veterans and Memorial Day?
Veterans Day is a day to celebrate the heroism of all our military forces and their daily sacrifice for our freedom and liberty. Memorial Day is a of remembrance of those who have fallen to protect Americans and the United States.
This is a common confusion in America. Most people tend to honor our military daily, so the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day becomes unclear. A good way to remember is in the names. Veterans Day is a day for honoring Veterans and Active Military. Memorial Day is a day for honoring the memory of fallen soldiers.
Are you a veteran or service-disabled veteran with a small business?
Getting certified will ultimately drive in more revenue by showing you are worthy of your customer’s patronage. It shows you are a responsible business owner who is trustworthy and patriotic. Most people would rather do business with a certified company over a self-declared veteran owned business.
You also can obtain set-aside contracts which the Government sets aside specifically for Veteran Owned Small Businesses and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses. Of course, you must be SAM registered in order to go after contracts.

How does Select GCR honor Veterans on Veterans Day?
We dedicate our time to getting Veterans who own a small business certified as a Veteran Owned Small Business. Also, we help Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business owners gain certification. All our veterans and service-disabled veterans who secure our services get a discount during the month. Our certification experts can push the applications through quickly and get approval on the first attempt. Usually, the process goes quickly and without error.
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