Toll Free: (833)336-3988


with a woman owned business certification


Open Doors to Exclusive Government Contracting Opportunities with a WOSB Certification Today!

What is a WOSB (Woman Owned Small Business)?

WOSB = Woman Owned Small Business –NAICS codes are required, and must be a small business

EDWOSB = Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business – must provide proof of economic disadvantage, NAICS codes are required, and must be a small business

WBE = Woman Business Enterprise – No NAICS code requirement, no size requirement


Program Was Designed To:

  • Level the playing field for women business owners
  • Make it easier for woman-owned companies to compete for and win Federal contracts
  • Assist women owned small businesses increase their revenue through government opportunities
  • Form joint ventures and teams to bid on contracts, making it easier for WOSB firms to perform on larger “Prime” contracts

There are many additional benefits to WOSB certification including training and education programs, mentorship events, networking opportunities, access to leads for bids and proposals, and connecting with purchasing agents.

WOSB certification is one of the most impactful certifications the Government has to offer, and with that, has a lengthy and detailed application process. Our team of experts have processed many applications and we maintain a 98% acceptance rate.


Toll-Free: (833) 336-3988

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WOSB Certification Maintained by Select GCR

Some of the WOSB certification requirements include:

  • The business must be considered small in accordance with NAICS size standards
  • Must verify NAICS code eligibility
  • 51% of business ownership must be unconditional and direct by a woman or group of women
  • The business must be operational for at least 6 months and have customers/clients
  • The applicant woman must manage, control, and operate daily business as well as hold the highest officer position, manage it on a full-time basis, and have no outside employment
  • Business must be legally organized and in good standing as required by all applicable Federal, state, county, or city regulations in which the applicant operates

Our team at Select GCR can help ensure that your business meets the criteria necessary for WOSB certification as well as handle preparation and filing of all supporting documentation on your behalf. You know your business. We know government contracting. Let us help guide you through this process.

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Consultants Today

Send us a message and one of our Government Contract Consultants will reach out to help answer your questions and get you started with your SAM or any Certification. It's that simple. Contact us now.


Woman Owned Small Businesses Last Year?

According to, WOSB Certified businesses took 4.6% of awarded contracts this past fiscal year. This accounts for more than 26 billion dollars. This is the third straight year accomplishing that percentage. With all-time highs occurring now, what better time to jump in on WOSB certification?

With Select GCR, you could be on your way to increased reveue. The government is looking for businesses just like yours to become suppliers and provide services to the Federal sector. Work for Federal agencies such as the Department of Defense and Department of Transportation. You could also work on a local level with city, county, or state offices. Get onboard with Select GCR and watch your revenue increase and business grow exponentially.


Woman Owned Small Businesses Last Year?

According to, WOSB Certified businesses took 4.6% of awarded contracts this past fiscal year. This accounts for more than 26 billion dollars. This is the third straight year accomplishing that percentage. With all-time highs occurring now, what better time to jump in on WOSB certification?

With Select GCR, you could be on your way to increased revenue. The government is looking for businesses just like yours to become suppliers and provide services to the Federal sector. Work for Federal agencies such as the Department of Defense and Department of Transportation. You could also work on a local level with city, county, or state offices. Get onboard with Select GCR and watch your revenue increase and business grow exponentially.

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