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C&G Preparatory Advancement Phase


During the C&G Preparatory Advancement Phase…


Clients are positioned to enter the world of government contracting. This introductory phase expands a business’s core knowledge through education, registrations, resources, strategies, and procurement support. When complete, clients are positioned, prepared, and understand the fundamental concepts to implement to build long term prosperous relationships, find targeted contracts, and to begin their journey towards increased revenue through government opportunities.

The SGCR team follows a detailed government marketing plan with each client. Throughout your journey you will always know what’s next, whom you will be working with, your responsibilities, and when our next meeting is scheduled.


C&G Preparatory Advancement Phase:

12 Weeks. During this phase 7 one-hour Personalized Meetings are Scheduled, Informative Topic Emails are sent, and the following Services are Completed:

  • Department/Agency Registrations (2): Our team will register your business on the Dep/Ag small business database for future consideration, schedule face to face meetings, and make sure your business appears on their Approved Vendor Lists.
  • Outbound Email Campaign: Connect with Business Contacts – Our team provides contacts, messaging, phone scripts & elevator pitch materials for relationship building opportunities.
  • SGCRP program: Access 1.2 million Government & Business contacts, plus Local, State, and Federal Contracts (past, present, & future). Our team will start by presenting you RFI opportunities that fit your capabilities.
  • Business Analysis Report: Receive a comprehensive report analyzing your business’s performance and potential within the government contracting marketplace. This detailed analysis identifies areas of strength, highlights opportunities for growth, and pinpoints areas for improvement.

What to Expect with the Program:

*Discounted Investment Options for Continuance must be Discussed and Agreed to prior to starting the C&G Preparatory Advancement Phase

  • Week 1 – Onboarding Meeting – Expand NAICS/PSC’s, Confirm SAM updates/changes, Discuss and Provide the Capabilities Form & Cape Examples.
  • Week 2 – Collect final data for CS, Confirm SAM completion, Introduction to SGCR Training & Resources, Discuss and Provide the Intake Form.
  • Week 3 – Collect final data for Intake Form, Discuss Training & Resource Topics, Start, Municipality, & State Registrations.
  • Week 4 – No Scheduled Meeting. Provide Completed Capabilities Statement.
  • Week 5 – Discuss Grant and Contract emails client is receiving from Registrations, T & R’s, Confirm and start 2 Department/Agency Registrations.
  • Week 6 – No meetings. Select GCR production week.
  • Week 7 – Discuss completed Dep/Ag Registrations, Provide completed Gov Capabilities Website, and Complete/Optimize DSBS Profile.
  • Week 8 – No meetings. Select GCR production week.
  • Week 9 – Recap Meeting on all services, T & R’s, Contract/Grant Emails, Scheduled Dep/Ag Trainings/Meetings, and Introduction to Secondary Platform State Contracts.
  • Week 10 – No Scheduled Meeting, Provide Business Analysis Report, Send Email Messaging and Scheduled Upcoming Email Campaigns.
  • Week 11 – Discuss Business Analysis Report, Introduction to RFI’s in Select GCR Pro, Registration/Certification Options, and Contract Training.
  • Week 12 – End of the C&G Preparatory Accelerate Phase, Client Continues Access Monthly, For the Full Term, or Attempts to Continue on their Own.

Client’s Collected Information for Services:

  • Company BIO, Core Competencies, Differentiators, & Past Performances
  • Certifications and/or Business Licenses
  • High Resolution Logo for Branding
  • Company Information – Company EIN, # of Employees, Annual Revenue, W9
  • Product and/or Services Offered
  • Email Address for Marketing Campaigns – Ex: Contracts@, GovCon@, Government@
  • Additional Email Intake Details: Departments/Agencies, State/s, Socioeconomic Status
  • NAICS, PSC, Keywords: Top 5 of Each
  • Determine NIGP codes for Municipality and State Contracts. Also, determine a list of other Municipalities and States for future Registrations.
  • Research and export a list of Primary NAICS/State Primes for Initial and Future Registrations.
  • Determine if the DSBS profile is done or completed properly
  • Determine the top 5 spending Dep/Agencies based on the clients Primary NAICS, then match them to Dep/Agencies Registrations for Contract Opportunities.
  • Determine if Client Qualifies for other Socioeconomic Certifications within their state. Provide Detailed List.
  • Determine if Client Offers Products and/or Services and the Dep/Agency Registrations for Relationship and Contract Opportunities.