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Government Marketing Plan



You’ve taken the first step towards understanding government contracting, and ultimately accomplishing your goal of increased revenue and growth through government opportunities.


The Client Success Government Marketing Program (CSGMP) provides the fundamental marketing concepts, knowledge, and services that a business must implement to succeed within the federal sector. Most companies are lost or misguided on not only what elements are imperative to implement, but also the question of what tools, steps, resources, and strategies are most effective. Select GCR is eager to hold your hand and guide you through your introduction to marketing and building relationships with government buyers and prime contractors.

Select GCR helps small businesses succeed in the government sector where so many others have failed. We have learned some simple, painless, and predictable ways of tapping into the government money flow, and we look forward to sharing these techniques, knowledge, and concepts with you.



Client Success Government Marketing Program

Each step of the CSGMP is designed to be completed within a one-month period. Each client must participate for SGCR to stay on the defined schedule. Each Step will be documented via email and in the SGCRP Dashboard for client records. This program is not defined by completed steps.

Step 1: Building a Foundation for Growth


Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides – Government 101

  • Common Government Acronyms
  • Contracting Terminology
  • Beneficial Government Websites
  • Government Contracts, Vehicles, & Methods

GPA – (Government Procurement Advisor) Training Session – Intro, Access, & Advancing

  • Registration or Optimization of your SAM Profile
  • Design & Build Capabilities Statement (Gov Resume)
  • Access to the Select GCR Pro program & Government Training/Resources
  • Videos (SGCRP 101) – SGCRP Intro Video, Finding Gov Contacts, Finding Gov Contracts

Step 2: Position your Business & Staff for Success


Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides

  • Select GCR Pro Dashboard
  • Finding Contracts
  • Finding Contacts
  • Understanding RFIs

GPA Training Session 1 – SGCRP Dashboard & Finding Gov Contacts & Contracts
GPA Training Session 2 – Municipalities & Government Contracts 101 (RFI)

  • Municipality Registrations
  • State Registrations
  • Request for Information

Step 3: Primes Contractors & Email Marketing Communication


Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides

  • Email Templates
  • Phone Scripts
  • Best Practices on How to Follow Up & Communicate

GPA Training Session 1 – ORR (Open Rate Report) Email Analytic Review
GPA Training Session 1 – Provide a List of State and Federal Primes

  • Email Verification & Messaging Approval
  • Email Marketing to Prime Contractors – Search, Find, & Create Contact List & Deliver Messaging

Step 4: Prime Contractors – Registrations & Subcontracting


Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides

  • Subcontracting
  • Joint Venture
  • Mentor Protege

GPA Training Session 1 – ORR (Open Rate Report) Email Analytic Review
GPA Training Session 2 – Prime Registrations & Subcontracting Opportunities (Advanced)

  • Email Marketing to Prime Contractors – Search, Find, & Create Contact List & Deliver Email
  • Prime Contractor Registrations – 2
  • Teaming/Subcontracting Opportunity List

Step 5:, Government Contacts, & Contract Methods

Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides:

  • Government Contracts & Contacts (Types & Methods)

GPA Training Session 1 – Benefits of Government Grants
GPA Training Session 2 – Government Contacts (CO’s, SADBU, & FOIA), & Contract Methods (Recompete, SAP’s, & Unsolicited Proposals)

  • Registration
  • Email Marketing to Contracting Officers – Find Contact List, Create Messaging, Deliver Email, & Provide ORR

Step 6: Communicate & Build Relationships – Gov Contacts

Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides

  • Search, Find, & Contact CO’s & SADBU’s
  • Registering, Scheduling & Communicating

GPA Training Session – ORR, Email templates, Phone Script, Best Practices on How to Follow Up & Communicate

  • Email marketing to Contracting Officers – Search, Find & Create Contact List, Create Messaging, & Deliver EM
  • Lists & Links for State & Federal CO’s & SADBU’s

Step 7: Communicate with Gov Contacts, Understanding RFI, RFP & RFQ

Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides

  • Search, Find, & Submit RFI, RFP & RFQ

GPA Training Session – Search, Find, & Submit RFI, RFP & RFQ. Best Practices on how to follow up & communicate

  • Email marketing to Contracting Officers – Search, Find & Create Contact List, Create Messaging, Deliver EM, & Provide ORR

Step 8: Search, Find & Submit – RFI, RFP, RFQ & FOIA

Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides

  • FOIA – Searching, Contacting & Submitting

GPA Training Session – Importance of FOIA. Templates, Submission, & Best Practices on how to follow up & communicate

  • Email marketing to Contracting Officers – Search, Find & Create Contact List, Create Messaging, Deliver EM, & Provide ORR
  • List of Pre-solicitations & Sources Sought for Submission
  • RFI – *Client Bid Response
  • FOIA – *Client FOIA Request Submission

Step 9: Search, Find & Submit – Open Solicitations

Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides

  • Search, Find & Submit an Open Solicitation

GPA Training Session – Search, Find & Submit an Open Solicitation & Debriefing Request

  • Contract Bid Submission Manual
  • Open Solicitation – *Client Open Solicitation Bid
  • DR – *Client Debriefing Request Submission
  • Email marketing – Contracting Officers – Find Contact List, Create Messaging, Deliver EM, & Provide ORR

Step 10: Search, Find & Submit – Expiring/Recompetes

Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides

  • Search, Find, & Submit Expiring Contracts – Recompetes

GPA Training Session – Contact Primes, Contracting Officers, & Dep/Agencies for Recompete Contracts

  • Receive lists of Recompete Contracts for Submission
  • Recompete Contract – *Client Re-Contract Submission

Step 11: Marketing – Training, Concepts & Extended Services

Manuals, Documents, Tutorials & Training Guides

GPA Training Sessions

  • Outgoing email platforms and other marketing concepts
  • Searching, Exporting & Emailing targeted Contacts
  • Receive templates, verbiage, & information on how to create effective emails
  • Creating unique Email Campaigns with our templates – Individual, Sequences or Workflows
  • Information and instructions on how to write an effective press release
  • Delivering your capabilities statement and business information as a viable option for upcoming contract opportunities
  • Differentiating your business from your competitors

Step 12: Advanced Training – Contracts & Contacts

GPA Training Session – Advanced Recap training on Contracts – State, Federal, Recompetes, SAP’s, & Unsolicited Proposals
GPA Training Session – Advanced Recap training on Contacts – Primes, CO’s, SADBU’s, FOIA’s & More

The CSGMP provides an educational step-by-step course on Government contracting. From positioning your business for success, to providing you contract and contact manuals, documents, tutorials & training guides. Even though a tremendous amount of information was covered during the 12 steps, we have only scratched the surface on the depth of government contracting. This course helped build a foundation that must be expanded on. As our course continues it becomes more fluid as our GPA team will coordinate with you on what the next month of services will entail. Our goal is to bring value to your firm while continually building your knowledge and government contract division. Our team will partner with your firm and guide you toward increased revenue through government relationships and opportunities.

Ongoing monthly Services for CSGMP clients:
  • Discussing, searching & finding additional registrations & certifications to better position your business for success
  • Registering your business with additional Prime Contractors
  • Email Campaigns – Prime Contractors
  • Contacting Primes for Gov & Commercial Prospecting
  • Searching, Finding & Presenting Grant Opportunities
  • Grant Submission
  • Finding Subcontracting Opportunities for your business
  • Contract Submission – State/Federal
  • Searching, Finding & Submitting Recompete Contracts
  • Contacting CO’s for SAP’s & Unsolicited Proposals
  • Email Campaigns – Contracting Officers
  • Searching, Finding & Contacting SADBU’s
  • Provide Market Research for better decision Making
  • Provide Competitor Profile Report
  • Provide Department/Agency Spending Forecasts
  • Registering your Business on Interested Vendor Lists
  • Present you Industry specific Events, Expo’s & Conferences
  • How to Market to each Department/Agency
  • Writing Press Releases
  • Creating Business/Government Website
  • Better Positioning your business – Website, LinkedIn, etc.
*The following submissions are the responsibility of the CSGMP client. SGCR will provide each client with the Instructions, Knowledge, Lists & Templates to complete these tasks.
  • RFI Bid Response
  • FOIA Request Submission
  • Open Solicitation Bid
  • Debriefing Request Submission
  • Recompete Contract Submission