Toll Free: (833)336-3988

Contacting a SADBU Representative

*Send this email with your Capabilities Statement attached*


Type this content into a new email made out to your POC’s email address. Be sure to replace all the [Brackets] with your information. It will look very unprofessional if you hit send without customizing the email first.

Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs. Last Name],

I hope this email finds you well.

I see that you’re listed as a [Title – Ex: small business coordinator)], so I wanted to introduce our firm to you personally. [Company Name, LLC] is a certified [SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS)] business interested in the opportunity to participate in [AGENCY] acquisitions. We’ve been in business for over [XX] years and have extensive background in [LIST OF PRODUCTS/SERVICES].

We would like to take the proper steps to introduce our firm and provide our capabilities to the [AGENCY]. I have filled out the form on the website, but also wanted to contact you personally to see what type of assistance is provided by your [Department/Agency].

If for some reason you are not able to help, can you please point me in the right direction?

Thank you so much for your time and attention.

[Business Name]
[City, State Zipcode]
[Phone Number]