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Finding and Communicating with Government Contacts

Locating the right contacts in the federal world can be difficult and time consuming if you don’t know how to find them. Utilizing our proprietary program, Select GCR Pro, is the easiest and quickest way to get the information you need to succeed. We provide all our clients with access to this powerful program to facilitate their success.

You can choose to utilize other methods of locating contacts, but where do you start and what do you do when you find the right contacts? There are a few links below to different lists on the SBA website that will help you get started.

We have created an entire library of letter templates, email templates, and phone scripts for our clients to use. They have been proven as effective ways to communicate with Government contacts. They’re available for download, and you should copy/paste the information onto your own company letterhead or branded emails. Also, be sure to change the [Brackets] to reflect your business’ information. If you have additional questions, feel free to ask our Knowledge Base or contact your Federal Business Development Advisor.

Find Local Assistance

Directory of Federal Procurement Offices

Government Websites for Contacts and Contracts

Prime Contractor Training


Government Procurement Advisor

Email to an Agency Buyer

Email to Agency Representative

Email to Request Post-Award Debriefing

Letter to Introduce Company

Letter to Request FOIA

Letter to Request Post-Award Debriefing

Email to a Prime for Teaming Opportunities

Email to Prime from Subcontractor

Email to Find a Partner for a Bid

Email to a Prime Contractor

Phone Script for Prime Contractors

Sequence Template for Prime Contractors

Email to a SADBU Representative

Phone Script for SADBU Contacts

Sequence Template for SADBU Contacts

Email to Contracting Officer

Phone Script for Contracting Officers

Sequence Template for Contracting Officers