Select GCR Pro
Searching Government Contacts
We are constantly striving to assist you in getting more business. Search for Government contracting officers based on name, NAICS, state, department/agency and/or product and service codes. Access a list of contacts information for the contracting officers who acquire products and services under you search criteria. Contact information includes: first name, last name, title, agency, state, phone number and email address.
Though you are able to search by 5 different areas, remember that government contracts are based on NAICS codes. When you combine a NAICS and another search item, your search will become smaller and more defined. You can create a search to find specific Government Contractors personalized to your contracting needs.

All search results will populate below the search area and list the Name, Title, Agency, Sub Agency, State, Zip Code, PSC Codes, and NAICS Codes.
*Exporting is available for select users. Please reach out to your GPA for assistance.
Search Query Options
- Keywords:
Use industry keywords to search for officers.
- Contracting Officer Name:
To find a specific government contact or name to obtain contact information.
- NAICS Code:
Create a search based on contracting officers who acquire services under specific NAICS codes.
- Product & Service Code (PSC):Create a search based on contracting officers who acquire products under specific NAICS codes.
- Place of Performance (State):
Search a specific state that you complete work in.
- Department/Agency:
Search a specific Department or Agency you would like to work with or have in the past.
View Search Result by Contracting Officer
Click the view icon on each contracting officer to see their specific information. Here you will be able to view the contracting officers specific information and email them directly from the database.

Share Search Results by Contracting Officer
Click the share icon on each contracting officer to see their specific information and email it immediately from the database to yourself or someone in your company to begin building a relationship.

Save Search Results by Contracting Officer
To save a contracting officer to your profile, click the heart icon on a contracting officer to save their contact information to your favorites in My Profile section.
Based on your profile, you could have pages of contact information for contract officers who have purchased products and/or services previously from your specific search criteria. Narrowing down your search and picking one area at a time to focus on can help you strategically plan how to contact your contracting officers from each search.

Access Saved Favorites
To reference you saved favorite gov contacts, go to the home page and select My profile. From there you can select Favorites from the top menu bar. Click on Gov Contacts to view your favorites.

Action Buttons
This database, will allow you to do specific query searches, find contact information and also provide you with educational and informative information. Each page you are on will have a Guidance, Government Links, Marketing and Docs & Templates Button to explore. These buttons offer educational and informative information specific to the area you are searching.
Access all Government public information, and utilize step by step instructions for searching, finding and marketing to Government and business contacts. Select GCR ties in marketing intelligence options throughout the program, creating a road map and tools to help businesses succeed in Government contracting.

Guidance: This will guide you on the capabilities and functions available in your search area.

Government Links: These links will allow you to explore websites regarding the information you are searching for and directs you to government websites outside of our database.

Marketing: We offer marketing advice to best leverage and use the information you are searching for by offering marketing concepts for you to utilize to get your company positioned to the government sector.