Step 3
Prime Contractors – Finding, Communicating, & Registering
In this step we will teach you about Prime Contractors, why they are important, and how to register to be included in their database.
Manuals, Documents, Tutorials, Training Guides, and Videos
The following section takes you further into searching for Prime Contractors, how to find them, and where to look.
What is a Prime Contractor?
Search and Explore Contractors
Deep Search for Top Primes
Finding Prime Contractors in Select GCR Pro
Finding Primes on
Using Boeing as an example, we will show you the steps to finding and registering with your chosen Prime contractor.
Register with Primes
Throughout the CSGMP program you are provided different Training & Resource topics. You must do your part by viewing what is introduced, then schedule a meeting with your assigned GPA to visually cover each topic through a recorded training session. This method has been proven to build your knowledge base, which will allow us to continually expand on into the next step.