Using SubNet

There are two main searches to perform on the home page: Solicitations/NSS Directory or the Business Directory. When you click the radio button beside Solicitations, you can choose a location on the map and view Subcontracting Opportunities. You select the radio button beside Business directory, choose a location on the map and see listings of businesses within that location you could team with.
Solicitations/NSS Directory Search
By selecting the Solicitations/NSS Directory radio button, you are switched to the subcontracting opportunities search. For this example, Florida is selected as the state we are searching in.
Clicking on the State of Florida leads to a listing of solicitations. The SBA has made it slightly easier to navigate the results by allowing the user to filter their results using the column titles at the top of the table. The option is also available to print the results.

Selecting the first Solicitation by clicking the SOL number brings up the detail page. On this page you will find the Prime business name, the type of business being solicited, the NAICS code, a brief description, the solicitation point of contact, place of performance, start date, close date, solicitation number and any files that are necessary for the bid are attached.

There are three tabs at the top of the detail page that allows you to view all solicitations from this business and the business information.
The other search feature “Business Directory” will bring up an alphabetical listing of all the Prime contractors who perform work within the State or Territory you search within. For this example, Florida was selected.

There are two tabs at the top: Business Information and All Sol/NSS from this Business. The information tab contains: the division, DUNS, website, NAICS, Address, Point of Contact. The All Sol/NSS tab contains all of the information for every Sol the business has available.